techietrek - the blog

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hi Folks

I've been rather lean with the updates over the last few weeks for which I apologise, but things have been rather hectic at work what with a potential visit to Malaysia (which was cancelled) and also the industrial action that has been happening.

In effect, I had 2 weeks off after the last long run as I was resting my back. Since then, I have done several 4.5 milers and another 14.5 miler (a complete run this time, rather than a walk/run) from Home-Leadgate-Ebchester-Swalwell (Gatehead) on the 16th April (at the end of which I was nicely sunburnt on my bald heed) I hope to get up to 20 miles by the end of the month and the 25-mile mark by the end of May.

Another reason for the enforced interregnum in my training was some of the unseasonal inclement weather that has been dogging me since day 1. A couple of images from about the 25th March are shown below:


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