techietrek - the blog

Sunday, January 29, 2006

While you lot were in bed...

...I was being punished for thinking of this daft challenge. Julie Sparrow has a regular training route that uses part of the Cleveland Way from The Lord Stones Cafe (more info here) at the top of Carlton Bank, across 3 ridges to the Wain Stones. Down that bank, back up and back the way you came. It was brutal for someone who hasn't engaged in proper fell walking for 10 years.

However, I'm going back for more either next Sunday or the week after - depending on the prevailing weather conditions.

The shots show (1) the view across to the Wain Stones (2)towards Roseberry Topping and the Tees Valley and (3) the state of me at the finish after I 'sprinted' the last few hundred metres. Heather declined to go on the walk but still had to endure the scary drive up Carlton Bank.

iPod: Nowt. Concentrating too hard on not breaking my legs to listen to music.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A day off work - lovely sunshine..

...but still bleeding brass. At least it wasn't foggy this time. Today I followed the route of the Sustrans C2C Cyce Route to Consett which passes within half a mile of chez Dalkin. This was 6.14 miles, done in approx an hour and a half (annoying texts from my cousin Kev en route causing a dent in my time). This was just done at a brisk walk, no jogging this time. I think that at this stage I need to get lots of miles under my belt so my joints are used to it, before brushing up on the basic fitness nearer the time.

The C2C Cycle Route can been seen here of particular interest is a page dedicated to the modern art on this route

The shots below are the view near Pontop Pike across to Consett and some modern scuptures made from remnants of Consett Steelworks which closed in 1980.

Time for a hot bath - I wasn't warm enough today and certain parts have succumbed to shrinkage...ahem!

iPod: The Invisible Invasion - Coral

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A pleasant walk...

of an afternoon. But not in the wonderful all of 3C fog today. Honestly, it was like Teesside. This was 4.5 miles in exactly an hour - mostly walking but a little jogging here and there. Done in trainers and without any weight (I mean a rucksack, not my not inconsiderable front-facing beer cellar) It must have been effective 'cos the dog decided to sleep the rest of the afternoon. Unlike yours truly who had to do the ironing...bah! I bet Seb Coe didn't have to do this.

iPod: The Singles - No Doubt

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Why do cows have such small tails...?'s funny the stuff that goes through your head while you're trying to get through a boring run. Tonight's was again about 3 miles.

I'm trying to get through the no-man's-land that exists between getting out there, getting the old knees going and geting properly warmed up (at which point you start enjoying it). Probably won't start to bridge that gap for a couple of weeks yet - then I can start to up the mileage.

I have an appointment with our eminent internationally-recognised physio Jule Sparrow tomorrow when I hope to glean some tips on avoiding injury (my chief concern) - since those who have worked with me over the years will recognise the number of times I've "knacked meself up" doing stuff. Knees, ankles, back and elbows have all produced niggling injuries - the type that have men whinging for weeks without any discernible symptoms (you'll know what I mean, lasses)

iPod: Down in Albion - Babyshambles

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Victory is mine!!

Following my first defeat to the smug so-and-so known as Pete for over 5 months, I avenged this by beating him 3-1 at squash in the Olympia Building on campus.

I've found squash not to be quite the girlie game I thought it was before I took it up last year. At least it's been good for my knees. But given that I'm not the most nimble around the court, I do tend to struggle against the more wirey [much younger] opponents which I won't name here. Oh go on then: Col and Ste.

However, seeing that Pete is a big barge like myself and our games are equally pants it's normally a close-run thing.

Oh, and Mark - join the squash league bonny lad. You might get someone who'll give you a decent game then.

The type of opponent I typically struggle against

iPod: 'We are the Champions' by Queen

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Second 'run'. In lovely drizzle this time...

Only did a couple of miles today - stiff back and a miserable day both diluted my enthusiasm somewhat. Took the daft dog to the top field which was underneath 3 inches of mud. Oh joy! Bucket and sponge time when we got home...and that was just for me.

iPod: Janis Joplin

Thursday, January 12, 2006

First training run

Did about 3 miles tonight. Uphill mainly. Knackered. Millie did her best to trip me up (and strangle herself) by running the wrong way round lampposts. Unfortunately I was still attached to her by her lead.

iPod: 'Kasabian'by KASABIAN