techietrek - the blog

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Why do cows have such small tails...?'s funny the stuff that goes through your head while you're trying to get through a boring run. Tonight's was again about 3 miles.

I'm trying to get through the no-man's-land that exists between getting out there, getting the old knees going and geting properly warmed up (at which point you start enjoying it). Probably won't start to bridge that gap for a couple of weeks yet - then I can start to up the mileage.

I have an appointment with our eminent internationally-recognised physio Jule Sparrow tomorrow when I hope to glean some tips on avoiding injury (my chief concern) - since those who have worked with me over the years will recognise the number of times I've "knacked meself up" doing stuff. Knees, ankles, back and elbows have all produced niggling injuries - the type that have men whinging for weeks without any discernible symptoms (you'll know what I mean, lasses)

iPod: Down in Albion - Babyshambles


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