techietrek - the blog

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A mixed bag...

Hi folks.

  1. Well, I did a run/walk of 14.6 miles on Saturday (which is the furthest I have achieved in my 35+ years). I've completed half a dozen half marathons over the years (the last of which was in 1997) but from now on, it's virgin territory for me.
  2. It was quite exciting actually. As the positively tropical 4 degrees Celsius hit me when Heather dropped me off, it felt good to be out. I was dropped off at a village called Edmundbyers, over the county boundary in Northumberland (yes, I DO live that far away from work) - you can see where I mean here. Then it was a run downhill skirting the picturesque Derwent Reservoir and then on via some extremely remote C roads to Ebchester, site of a roman fort that serviced Hadrian's Wall via Dere Street, the 2,000 year old Roman route from Yorkshire to Scotland.
  3. Arriving home, my time was almost as good as that of a half the distance two weeks earlier. Wisely, I decided that my experiences that day after 3 large tumblers of whisly the night before had better not be repeated and a good meal of pasta and plenty of fluids the night before helped.
Image: the view towards Edmundbyers (far distant) and Derwent reservoir

  1. Unfortunately, I tweaked my back somewhat whilst carrying my rucksack. This didn't get any worse until the day after when I suffered back spasms on the way to the match (good job I didn't go really...) I had to have Monday off work as the better part of 30 hours were spent flat on my back. But it seems that this exercise lark is really starting to pay off and my recovery has been remarkably swift, albeit tentative and I was back at work today, being fussed over by Pete our resident worrier and first aider with a nice pillow for my back!
  2. If anyone has a preparatory treatment for persistent heel blisters then please get in touch. The skin is hardening up, but not quickly enough for my liking and it takes a good 5 days to recover from them after a run over 10 miles.
  3. With it being such a long one, I decided to leave Daft Dog at home (aahhhh!) She'd only get us both tangled up in the wheels of a tractor or get me shot for worrying sheep or something....

Being out for so long, I got through quite a lot! Both albums from Athlete released so far -
Tourist and Vehicles and Animals. Also I enjoyed a couple of podcasts: the final Ricky Gervais Show and the Virgin Radio Al Murray Show for good measure. Sniggering to yourself in public doesn't half attract some funny looks, but it takes your mind off aching feet!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This thing just keeps getting more complicated!!

More research done on the route again. I found out when I drove round the route with Heather and Millie a few weeks ago that the first 12 miles are so are prone to tidal flooding. Just how prone you can only tell on the ground when you see it - everything is flat as a pancake. It's rather akin to the Holy Island situation with the route at the mercy of the tide tables. I found out from the Easy Tides site that the expected time of departure on the morning of the 1st June is well within safe limits. I think.

Turn off those negative waves!

Okay, okay so the weather still shows no signs of abating. I figure this is just a way of training for my walk to the South Pole (I can't stand the thought of walking on sea ice at the other end!).

Saturday 11th March
Did the same 11 miler walk from Waskerley Station. In 0.5 degrees this time. With bloody snow in my face for 3 1/2 hours. What a country. Can't wait to get to warmer climes (of which you'll find out more later dear readers!). To twist the knife still further, I ended up with my second 50 pence-sized blister on my right heel this week. My brand new snug walking boots have worn their lining away against my heel leaving a big hole which I have now 'repaired' with foam and gaffer tape until I get hold of something more permanent. That's what I'm here for though.

I am aware that if these minging conditions persist I will eventually start running out of time to start accumulating serious mileage before it gets too late. Never mind, we'll get there in the end.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

More walking in the cold.

Here are some images from a 7.2 miler from Chester-le-street to home along the Consett-Sunderland cycle path avec Millie. Boasting some more modern art of various types, the JCB cattle particularly notable for its originality. It was brass again...when's this cold weather gonna pass?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A better performance today

Hi Y'all

I was a good boy today. Was at the gym first thing (0730) and athough I pretended to row vigorously I did work my bootie off on the exercise bike. I did about 40 minutes in all before getting bored (which happens quite quickly to me in the gym).

Then I picked up some training kit kindly arranged for me by our marketing and corporate comms unit. I got 2 blue hoodies (nice and warm) 4 white tees and 2 pairs of joggers. All of which sport the School of Health and University logos. In exchange for the kit, I maintain this blog.

Oh, and by the way - if you saw my picture in the Herald & Post or the Evening Gazette this week and you're reading this blog - WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU SPONSORED ME YOU TIGHT SO-AND-SO?

I have also been asked if I would mind having a private company logo on my clothing if they sponsor me. Well in answer to this - I'll wear any logo on anything if you give your money to Breast Cancer Care.

Above: Techie modelling his new kit after another 4.5 miler in the sub-zero temperatures of North Durham. N.B. if you look carefully you can see the steam coming off the bald heed in Pic 1.

iPod: Going for Gold - Shed Seven (one of the finest and most underrated groups of the 90s)