techietrek - the blog

Monday, February 27, 2006

Progress hampered a little.


Had a crap run yesterday. I left my trainers at work so went to the metty (Metrocentre) and bought another pair. It was a little unreasonable to expect a run with a brand new pair to go well. And it didn't. It was the normal 4.5 miler, but was a broken affair. Daft dog didn't help by plodging in the deepest mud she could find, thereby also interrupting what concentration I could muster.

A loud holler of "Geddoutoffityadaftbugger" tends to get people's attention. Especially when one's iPod volume is set to extra loud and you aren't aware how loud you're shouting. Didn't make any difference to Millie though. I'm going to get her measured up for mud flaps...

iPod: Greatest Hits - Goldie Looking Chain

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Due to this crappy weather..

...I haven't been able to get out there and do any proper work since last week. It's just so unpredictable. with repeated bouts of rain, sleet, snow, gales and hail it wouldn't be common sense to try and expend energy over several hours in exposed places. (I mean the Pennines not my running shorts!)

It wasn't so bad last weekend because it stayed relatively dry (with the odd snow flurry) but add the other stuff and it's awfully risky.

So I'm having to slum it in the Fitness Centre gym in Clarendon at the minute. I don't really mean 'slumming it' as the standard of fitness equipment has improved steadily over the years but it's just so boring sitting on a rowing machine or treadmill.

As well as the odd game of squash I suppose I'll have to wait until this weather blows itself out. If anyone has any ideas other than sit-ups or the like I'd be most interested in your comments (click on 'comment' at the bottom of this posting)

iPod: Employment - Kaiser Chiefs

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Stacks of stuff to report since last time!

Things are definitely starting to pick up now. Since my last post I have been on leave and I'm just catching up now. I have done 3 walkies (better not use that word, the dog's about) and runs:
  • I did the Cleveland Way track again on Sunday 5th, but without Julie to verify the improvement, which was notable because I'm (unfortunately) familiar with the track now.
  • After a fallow week of sloth, a 11 mile walk was completed (Sat. 11th) on the Sustrans C2C track from Waskerley Station at NZ050454 (I will use OS grid references if I'm in the middle of nowhere - simply input them into a mapping site like Streetmap which is in the links section.) Then you'll see that Waskerley IS in the middle of nowhere, on the tops of the North Pennines between Consett and Stanhope, not far from Derwent Reservoir and the A68. However when I walked home it was 2 degrees and snowing. It was a bit daft really as I was at first on my own (how gallant eh?) but then there was steady traffic of nutters on mountain bikes wearing nowt in the biting wind. The picture below shows another modern art sculpture just outside Consett. I will obtain more pictures of the stunning countryside around Waskerley when the weather conditions allow.
  • I did that 4.5 miler again with the dog last night - all at a jog this time. Even breaking into a gallop at times (downhill sections only)
Modern Art - I think...

As well as this, I also have a picture of the daft dog, Millie. She was dumped outside the University in October 2001 and adopted by yours truly. After months of running riot she calmed down and is a valuable and productive member of the Dalkin clan. As far as licking various parts of your body, shedding enough fur to make carpets with and bullying the postman makes you productive. I guess she's got the cushy end of the bargain here...

Daft Dog

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A wee tribute

I know a lot of you lot won't appreciate this, and it has absolutely nowt to do with Hadrian's Wall. But this is my own forum, so bugger it.
Congratulations to Alan Shearer for breaking the Newcastle United goalscoring record. 201 goals in 394 appearances.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Things are getting a little easier...a little

Hi guys - tonight was the 4.5 miler again. At a 80% jog and a 20% walk (usually to untangle the daft dog again). It was better than the last one, certainly.

This was around some rural roads between Annfield Plain and Maiden Law (those of you who have worked in the North Durham area like Shotley Bridge General or South Moor will be familiar with the old Maiden Law Hospital). My Mum worked there as a Staff Nurse for many years, specialising in elderly care until she had to take ill health early retirement in 2001.

The photo below gives you some impression of the conditions tonight...

iPod: Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not - Arctic Monkeys