techietrek - the blog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Techietrek Timetable and Locations...

Hi Folks

This will be my last update before I start this stupid, stupid walk. What was I thinking?

As I have explained to several people over the months, I won't be slavishly sticking to the route of the National Trail . This is because the trail is a series of public footpaths that roughly run East-West as near to Hadrian's Wall as possible - which is hard as a lot of it lies under arable and grazing farmland. In a lot of places, it is merely an earthen bank called a Vallum with no right of way actually on it.

So for this reason (and also for the valuable resource of time) I will for part of the first half of the route be following a more direct West - East route that (mainly East of Carlisle) follows the A689 through and after Brampton (place names should open up a link to the Multimap site)


Thursday 1st June

  1. START: Bowness on Solway. Due to tidal conditions I should be here about 0800 on 1st June (no earlier or I get wet feet!)
  2. I will run to Carlisle (about 11 miles) then rest there, have an early lunch.
  3. Then walk to Brampton for another rest.
  4. After this, I cross over the River Irthing (following a succession of minor roads and tracks) at Wallholme.
  5. Then it's up the Irthing Valley to Birdoswald Roman Fort

It was originally intended that we stay there Thursday night in the YHA on the premises. But due to the fact that it doesn't open until July this has now changed to Fell End Farm Guesthouse. Heather also thought it far more conducive to getting a good night's rest (she has to go to work on the Friday) to stay in a B&B. At least I get a good feed in the morning rather than Pot Noodle.

Friday 2nd June

  1. START: Heather should drop me off at the top of the bleeding steep bank out of Greenhead (oh come on, give me a break) on her way to work. This is near Thirlwall Castle and the Roman Army Museum on the B6318 Military Road (NY666657)
  2. I will walk the classic stretch of the wall that you see on all the picture postcards from here until just after the famous Housteads Fort at NY789688). This length is only about 9 miles but should take me a fair while given the difficult terrain and probably an abundance of Dutch and German tourists to navigate through here! I should have lunch in the Housesteads Visitor Centre.
  3. Here, the wall fades away to mainly Vallum again. I will follow this stretch at least as far as Chollerford - another 7 miles or so, but the more miles I do today, the less I have to do tomorrow!
  4. Sue Jackson, a work colleague has kindly invited Heather and I to sojourn overnight at her country pile in Haydon Bridge. Of course we humbly accepted - although we'll buy the Biryanis, Sue! Eeeh - it's very civilised up there in rural Northumberland. Mind you, have you seen The Whicker Man....?
Saturday 3rd June

  1. START: Basically, as far East of Chollerford as I have managed to get the day before!
  2. I will follow the National Trail path faithfully here as the B6318 Military Road has bugger all verges to walk on and is very narrow. All the going here is on grass which will be a welcome relief for my feet!
  3. Because of a dearth of vilages along this stretch, I will probably arrange to meet Heather and anyone else who wants to turn up at a couple of places to get my lunch (meals on wheels!) etc.
  4. When the trail gets into the Tyneside conurbation properly at about Throckley, again I depart from the established route as I'm familiar with the city. This is because at this point, the official trail drops down to the River Tyne and follows its route along to Wallsend (chucking in a couple of steep banks and an extra few miles as well)
  5. However, I will walk down the West Road, Westgate Road until near St James' Park, NZ243644 (black and white heaven). I'll walk through the city centre and cross over the A167 central motorway. Along to Shields Road, Byker and the final stretch of the A187 roman road until Segedunum Roman Fort in Wallsend (NZ301660)
  6. FINISH:Hello to a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale and look forward to the World Cup the week after. Yay!
As a courtesy to colleagues who are sponsoring me with their hard-earned, I have left instructions with a mate of mine to e-mail progress updates to people at work through Thursday and Friday. However, you can still text me on (07984) 176449 to find out where I am. If I actually know myself.

I promise to take lots of photos to bore you with and include a picture of my faithful bunion to see what state it's in after this little exercise!

Auf Wiedershen, Pets...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why am I doing this?

As you can see from this picture, the little old lady in the wheelchair (my Mam) could pass for an 80 year old. This picture was taken a fortnight before she was.

This is Breast Cancer at it's devastating worst. Mam was diagnosed in early 1987. Mam was a staff nurse of 30 years standing and trained at Shotley Bridge General Hospital, she cared for the elderley and knew exactly what lay ahead for her.

Thanks to a mastectomy (unfotunately not followed up by radiotherapy in those days) it lay dormant until 16 years later and returned with a vengeance. Thereafter, 4 years of heartache accompanied by radiotherapy, chemo, tamoxifen and other unpleasant 'treatments'. She died on 10th July 2003. She was 57.

Unfortunately whilst it is personal to my sisters and I this is an all too common story in our part of the world.

If you haven't already, please contribute to Breast Cancer Care today.

Paul Dalkin
25 May 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006

April and May update

Hiya Peeps

Over the last month, my training has stepped up a little when I've had the time. Over the past few weeks I've
  • Run 11 miles (my old Waskerley Station to Home route). The last time I did this I was clambering over snowdrifts! it was 2 Celsius. Well last night it was a different story and the desolate landscape was replaced by a lush green woodland with stunning views across the moors. This was a continuous run withno stops. My Camelbak is an absolute boon in this weather as you can rehydrate as you run and it's really comfortable. No - I'm NOT on commission!
  • Walked 20 miles from home to Spinner's place at Sedgefield
  • Walked 8 and 6 miles
And in amongst this, we have
  • Sold our house
  • Sold and bought a new car (Mini Cooper S 170 bhp)
  • Sold and bought a new motorbike (Triumph Sprint ST - yum! yum!)
iPod: This month I have been mostly listening to: Pink , The Wonder Stuff and Will Young (you may well snigger!)